Saturday, July 26, 2008

Location! location !location!

Ever think of the valleys mentioned in the bible?
Here is one that makes an interesting study. I came across the Valley of Achor years ago but only recently did I connect it with the sin of Achan where he and his entire clan were stoned to death. Here we see a place where sin was judged becomes a resting place and a door of hope.


References: Achor /Trouble

Joshua 7: 24 Then Joshua, together with all Israel, took Achan son of Zerah, the silver, the robe, the gold wedge, his sons and daughters, his cattle, donkeys and sheep, his tent and all that he had, to the Valley of Achor. 25 Joshua said, "Why have you brought this trouble on us? The LORD will bring trouble on you today."
Then all Israel stoned him, and after they had stoned the rest, they burned them. 26 Over Achan they heaped up a large pile of rocks, which remains to this day. Then the LORD turned from his fierce anger. Therefore that place has been called the Valley of Achor [i] ever since

Isaiah 65:9-11

9 I will bring forth descendants from Jacob,
and from Judah those who will possess my mountains;
my chosen people will inherit them,
and there will my servants live.

10 Sharon will become a pasture for flocks,
and the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds,
for my people who seek me.

Hosea 2:15

15 There I will give her back her vineyards,
and will make the Valley of Achor [a] a door of hope.

There she will sing [b] as in the days of her youth,
as in the day she came up out of Egypt.

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