Monday, January 19, 2009

seeking to understand...dreams 1

Have you wondered about the meaning of dreams? I have and do.
It is an interesting topic to study at the beginning of the year and as I read the bible in a year, I hope to have a better understanding of what dreams meant to various people in the bible.
We have seen encounters between God & Abraham, to a lesser extent Isaac and then Jacob has both personal encounters and dreams. Now we have Joseph who will have more dreams than encounters. His first set of dreams is to do with food as he helps his brothers bring in the sheaves, and the next about fealty as brotherly jealously rises to an all time high and they sell their brother to merchants.
The Pharoah has a warning dream about food, is there a connection with the fact that Joseph took care of all the duties of managing the kingdom and Pharaoh only had concern himself with the food he ate.
I get a sense that "God dreams" will take the shape of what we are concerned about. If we are looking for direction and guidance God will give it.

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